P-05-693 Give Every Child in Wales the Meningitis B Vaccine for Free – Correspondence to the Petitioner to the Committee, 04.10.16


Thank you

I would like to draw attention to the government website: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/national-childhood-immunisation-programme-boosted-by-menb-vaccine

To the section: entially prevent up to 4,000 cases of meningococcal disease in children younger than 5 years in the UK.

The risk to 5 years and under is still significantly higher and it will the peek again to children of comprehensive age.

I believe we should be vaccinating all children in Wales, however I have seen with first hand parents with two children under 5 years old and they have one child immunized and one child who is not covered! How can this be right?? These people can't afford to the over inflated price of the vaccine privately therefor are left with a guilt and a worry in this situation.

Known the risk I would call for all children to be vaccinated at a minimum 5 years and under.

Thank you